Principal Technologist|ND (Science Laboratory Technology), HND (Chemistry), BSc. (Biochemistry)
Food Technology
National Diploma & Higher National Diploma
Research Interest
Functionality and medicinal use of some under-utilized legume crops
Adding Values to root, tubers and cereals
An alternative model for type 2 diabetes.
Teaching Areas
Organic/Inorganic Chemistry practicals, Food chemistry (Theory/practicals),
Food Analysis (Theory/practicals), Adv. Food Chem. Practicals
Selected Publications
Adebowale, O.J., H. A. Salaam, B.F. Umarand O. M. Komolafe(2014). Fractionation and some conditions on the extract ability of tropical almond (Terminaliacatapa) seed protein. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, Vol. 2(3): 165-169. Published by Enviro Research Publisher, Modhya Pradesh, India. ISSN: 2347-467X, Online ISSN: 2322-0007 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CRNFSJ.2.3.09
Adebowale, O.J., Salaam, H. A. and Agboola, O.A. (2014). Comparative physico-chemical composition of natural honey collected from traditional bee-breeders in ogun state. Journal of Biological Sciences and Bioconservation volume 6, number 2, 2014 ISSN: 2277-0143 Pp 31 – 40. Published by Center for Research and Innovations, Nigeria. www.cerensinpub.org
Adebowale, O.J., Salaam, H. A.,Komolafe, O. M., Adebiyi, A. and Ilesanmi, I. (2016). Quality Characteristics of Noodles Produced from wheat flour and modified Starch of African Breadfruit (Artrocarpusaltilus) Blend. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology.
Akoja, S.S., Makanjuola, O.M., Adebowale, O.J., and Salaam, H. A. (2016). Production of functional protein hydrolysate from pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) seed and its effects on nutritional quality of kokoro snacks. . Journal of Culinary Science and Technology.
Conferences Attended
Effect of Domestic processing methods on the levels of certain anti-nutrients in BlihiaSapida(Ackee Apple) Seeds by Adebowale, O.J., Sokeye, O.K., Sala’am, H.A. and Abiona H. Proceeding of 33rd Annual Conference of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology, October 12-16, 2009, Yola.
Development of Breakfast meal using wheat Cassava blend by Noah A.A., Sala’am H.A. Proceeding of 33rd Annual Conference of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology, October 12-16, 2009, Yola.
Effect of Blanding Time on the anti-nutrients in solanumNigrum A.Reglectedn leafy Vegetable by Adebowale O.J., Noah A.A and Sala’am, H.A. Proceeding of 33rd Annual Conference of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology, October 12-16, 2009, Yola.
Physicochemical properties of some commercially produced natural honey in ogun state.Adebowale, O.J.,Sala’am, H.A. and Obarayi, M. O. Proceeding of 37th Annual Conference of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology, October 22-26, 2009, Abuja.
Adebowale, O.J., Sala’am, H.A. and Oladipupo, O. (2013). Fractionation and some conditions on the Extractability of Tropical Almond (Terminaliacatapa) seed protein. In: Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference of the School of Applied Science, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria 6-9 May, 2013
Sala’am , H. A.,Adebowale, O. J., Mohammed, O. A. and Adeniran, R A. (2013). Studies on the nutrient composition, Microbiological and sensory Qualities of Fermented maize flour fortified with pigeon pea (Cajauscajan) In: Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference of the School of Applied Science, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria 6-9 May, 2013